Vintage Rings for Sale | Authentic Antique Jewelry Designs

Did you know prices for vintage rings can start at $100 and go up to $19,025?1 This shows there’s a wide variety of treasures in the antique jewellery world. Kalmar Antiques, in Sydney’s Queen Victoria Building, presents rings full of historic charm and elegance.

Kalmar Antiques shines with various rings, from vintage to the 1920s, including diamond, gemstone, nuptial, cameo, and signet. The prices vary from $1,850 to $38,500, appealing to many collectors. You can find pieces like a 1930’s diamond engagement ring and a unique European cut cluster ring.

If you’re a collector or searching for a special piece, Kalmar Antiques has something you’ll love. Their range in style and price makes them a go-to for vintage jewellery in Sydney’s heart.

Key Takeaways

  • The price range for vintage rings can span from $100 to $19,0251.
  • Kalmar Antiques offers a variety of vintage rings, including diamond and coloured gemstone options.
  • Pieces range from as affordable as $1,850 to luxurious items priced at $38,500.
  • Located in Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, these vintage treasures are easily accessible.
  • The collection includes notable pieces like the 1930’s diamond engagement ring.

Understanding the Charm of Vintage Rings

Vintage rings tell stories from the past. They show the art and style of their time2. These rings are made with care. They stand out from today’s mass-produced jewelry2. Choosing vintage and antique jewellery from Sydney is also good for the planet2. So, wearing vintage rings means wearing a piece of history.

Historical Significance

Vintage rings hold great historical value. They come from periods like Victorian and Art Deco. Each era brings unique designs3. In the Victorian era, diamonds became very popular due to finds in South Africa3. Art Nouveau rings are known for their nature themes, adding a special charm3. The Edwardian period used laurels and marquise diamonds to show elegance3. Lastly, the Art Deco era brought bold patterns and bright colours to jewellery3. These styles make vintage jewellery from Sydney always stylish and beautiful.

Unique Craftsmanship

Vintage rings showcase incredible skill. They were often made by hand, showing detailed work4. Skilled craftspeople designed them for the wealthy, ensuring their top quality4. This makes vintage rings sometimes better than today’s top jewellery4. Also, their value doesn’t drop like new jewellery’s does4. So, buying vintage rings means getting something beautiful and lasting.

Popular Eras of Vintage Rings

Each era in vintage ring history offers a unique mix of design and meaning. This makes them very popular among collectors and fans.

Georgian Era

The Georgian era, from 1714 to 1830, is famous for its detailed, handmade rings. These rings had complex metalwork and gemstones. These stones were often set in closed-back settings.

Victorian Era

Victorian vintage rings, between 1835 and 1900, were all about personal touch. They had symbols like hearts and flowers56. Usually, yellow or rose gold and diamonds were used. The diamonds were set in different styles such as rows or halos.

Various cuts like old mine and European cuts were popular6. The designs showed love and memory5.

Edwardian Era

The Edwardian era, from 1901 to 1920, was known for its fancy designs. Rings were made from platinum and featured very detailed work. This included patterns of scrolls and flowers56.

They used gemstones in lace-like settings. This showed the grace of the time.

Art Deco Period

The Art Deco period, from 1920 to 1940, brought a new era with its bold designs and bright colours. Rings from this time were very eye-catching. They often used step-cut diamonds and interesting patterns.

Gemstones like sapphires and rubies were common5. Pieces from this period stand out for their modern, classy looks.

Collectors love iconic rings from different periods. Whether it’s an Art Deco sapphire from the 1920s or an antique sapphire ring from 1911, vintage jewellery keeps its charm.

Exploring Different Styles of Vintage Rings

Exploring vintage rings is a real adventure. You find many styles, from engagement rings to signet rings. Each one tells a special story through its design and history.

Engagement Rings

Vintage engagement rings symbolise timeless love. A 1930’s diamond engagement ring or a mine cut diamond ring shines with history. They cost about $818.57 normally, but sales often drop the price by 27.4%1.

Signet Rings

Signet antique rings are more than jewellery; they’re symbols of who we are. They bear unique patterns and engravings. These details hold personal and historical value. This makes them treasured pieces for many collectors.

Sapphire and Diamond Rings

Sapphire and diamond rings showcase amazing craftsmanship. They blend sapphires with diamonds in beautiful ways. These rings often show styles from the Art Deco and Edwardian eras. Blue sapphires and emeralds are favourites in these designs7.

Opal and Diamond Rings

Opal engagement rings are full of life with their changing colours. Mixed with diamonds, they dazzle. These vintage rings are especially unique and beautiful. Their prices depend on age and gem quality, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars7.

Finding Authentic Antique Jewellery in Australia

authentic antique jewellery Australia

Finding authentic antique jewellery in Australia is now easier than ever. You can enjoy tradition and modern benefits together. This mix lets collectors and fans discover amazing pieces from around the world.

Sydney-based Jewellery Stores

Sydney is a top spot for real antique jewellery. Kalmar Antiques, found in the Queen Victoria Building, has a wide range. It features pieces from periods like Victorian, Edwardian, Art Deco, and Art Nouveau8.

At Kalmar, you can get started with vintage diamond rings for just $1500. They have a variety of gemstones, including diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, garnets, topaz, and moonstones8. Sedgwicks Antique and Estate Jewellery is also popular. It offers a lot of heritage rings. Vintage Times is another good choice, offering something for everyone.

Online Marketplaces

The internet has changed how we shop for vintage rings. Chilton’s Antiques, for example, is now online. This means you can explore Australia’s biggest range from home9. They have vintage rings ranging from $295.00 to $6,995.00, plus custom design and repair services9. This makes finding unique vintage rings easier and more fun.

Store Name Location Specialty
Kalmar Antiques Queen Victoria Building, Sydney Victorian, Edwardian, Art Deco, Art Nouveau rings
Sedgwicks Antique and Estate Jewellery Sydney Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian collections
Vintage Times Sydney Wide range of antique jewellery
Chilton’s Antiques Online Australia’s largest collection, bespoke designs

Whether you’re in Sydney or browsing online, you’ll find unique pieces. Both ways of shopping offer a great experience for anyone who loves antique jewellery.

How to Verify the Authenticity of Vintage Rings

Ensuring vintage rings are real matters a lot to those who collect or love them. By checking the hallmarks and maker’s marks, you can learn about the ring. This includes where it came from and the materials it’s made of. It’s also wise to talk to expert jewellers to get their opinion10.

Recognising Hallmarks and Maker’s Marks

Looking at the hallmarks and maker’s marks is a trusted way to check if a vintage ring is real. These marks show when and where the ring was crafted. This can help confirm its history and authenticity11. In the UK, putting hallmarks on precious metal became a must in the 1920s11. But, not finding a hallmark doesn’t mean the ring is fake. Skilled experts can guess its age by looking at the materials, how it was made, and its style11.

Consulting Expert Jewellers

It’s important to get advice from expert jewellers when verifying a vintage ring. People like Suzanne Sachs, with more than 35 years in the jewellery business, know what to look for. They check if the gemstones are real and the metalwork is right10. This help makes sure you pay a fair price and your ring is protected. Also, good sellers might give you a certificate, such as The Vintage Ring Company, to prove the ring is real11.

Care Tips for Antique Jewellery

cleaning vintage rings

Caring for antique jewellery needs delicate handling. These precious pieces must be looked after to keep their allure. Defined as items at least 20 years old, their age guides us on how to treat them12.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

Gently clean vintage rings to protect their old metals and gemstones12. A soft brush and warm, soapy water usually work. Stay away from rough cleaners and ultrasonic machines13. For intricate designs and stones, like Victorian and Georgian pieces, it’s best to get them professionally cleaned12.

Safe Storage Solutions

Choosing the right storage is vital for antique jewellery. Keep them in soft pouches or anti-tarnish bags to avoid scratches and tarnish12. Also, protect them from sunlight and high moisture, as this can harm the materials12. For extra care, consider using velvet-lined boxes or organisers with compartments12.

Always hold your vintage jewellery with clean hands or wear gloves. This prevents oily smudges, helping them stay in good condition12. Regularly check for any loose stones or signs of damage. This maintenance ensures their value and history are kept, making care crucial12.

Element Description
Cleaning Gentle methods with soft brush and soapy water, avoiding abrasive cleaners and ultrasonic machines1213
Storage Use soft fabric pouches or anti-tarnish bags; avoid direct sunlight and high humidity12
Handling Wear gloves to prevent oils and fingerprints12
Maintenance Regular inspections for loose stones or damage12

Vintage Rings for Sale

The market for vintage rings is both broad and fascinating, capturing the hearts of collectors everywhere. You can find these treasures at physical locations like Kalmar Antiques and Sedgwicks Estate Jewellery, as well as in various online listings. Each piece tells a unique story, making the search for these jewels an exciting adventure.

Kalmar Antiques Collection

At Kalmar Antiques, you’ll find a variety of vintage items, showcased elegantly. This collection includes gems like the 1920s Art Deco sapphire and diamond ring. Also, there are vintage engagement rings, designed decades ago, and vintage-inspired pieces that bring the past to life14. Such rings often include fancy diamond cuts, adding a special touch to their art deco designs14.

Sedgwicks Estate Jewellery

Sedgwicks estate jewellery brings forth items from eras such as the Georgian and Victorian. These vintage style engagement rings are loved for their historical charm. They continue to be popular for brides wishing to make a unique fashion statement, with options that include emerald cuts and vibrant gemstones14.

Exploring Online Listings

Exploring online listings opens up a world of vintage rings to discover. The variety available lets buyers find their ideal style from home’s comfort. This approach is vital for those after vintage-inspired engagement rings that reflect personal taste14. The ease and endless choice online enhance the buying and selling experience for everyone involved.

Investing in Vintage Engagement Rings

Buying vintage engagement rings blends deep feeling with smart money decisions. These rings often have rich history and superb art. This makes them more than just rings; they’re cherished gems. When you decide to invest in one, check its rarity, condition, and history.

Evaluating the Value

To know the worth of vintage rings, look closely at what makes them special. Art Deco rings, for instance, stand out for their unique shapes and fine designs. They usually cost between $7,500 to $8,90015. On the other hand, gemstone rings can be found starting at $5,50015. Rings from the Victorian and Art Nouveau periods are also prized because of their detailed designs and historical value15. Waldemar Jewellers are experts in making one-of-a-kind vintage rings. They have a great reputation for their work15.

Choosing a Timeless Design

Picking a vintage engagement ring means choosing a design that will always be admired. An Art Deco ring, with its sharp shapes and special details, is a great choice15. SH Jewellery in Australia offers unique vintage-style rings that blend history with modern taste16. These designs are not just charming; they are also good investments.

Buying a vintage engagement ring is like bringing home a piece of history. Whether it’s an elegant Art Deco ring or a sparkling gemstone ring, these pieces offer beauty and future value. They are more than rings; they are a symbol of enduring love and taste.


Where can I find vintage style engagement rings in Australia?

You can find vintage style engagement rings in Australia at places like Kalmar Antiques and Sedgwicks Antique and Estate Jewellery. There are many options online as well.

What makes 1920s engagement rings unique?

1920s engagement rings stand out for their bold and geometric designs from the Art Deco movement. They often feature bright coloured gemstones. These features make them special and timeless.

How can I verify the authenticity of a vintage ring?

To check a vintage ring’s authenticity, look for specific hallmarks and maker’s marks. These show its origin and what metal it includes. Expert jewellers can help spot these markers.

What are the popular eras for vintage rings?

Common eras for vintage rings are Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian, and Art Deco. Each period brings unique design and craftsmanship. For example, Edwardian rings often have intricate filigree.

How should I care for my antique jewellery?

Avoid harsh cleaning on antique jewellery. Instead, use mild solutions. Store them safely in velvet-lined boxes to avoid scratches. Also, have them regularly checked by jewellers.

What types of vintage rings are available for sale?

For sale, you’ll find a range of vintage rings. This includes engagement rings, signet rings, and sapphire or diamond pieces. Each one tells a story of its era through design.

Where can I buy genuine antique jewellery in Sydney?

In Sydney, you can buy authentic antique jewellery at Kalmar Antiques, Sedgwicks Antique and Estate Jewellery, and Vintage Times. These places offer verified antique collections.

What factors should I consider when investing in vintage engagement rings?

Think about rarity, condition, and the ring’s historical value when making a purchase. Timeless designs and quality ensure your investment is both fashionable and potentially profitable.

How do I evaluate the value of an antique ring?

To know the worth of an antique ring, look at how rare and well-kept it is. Some periods, like Art Deco, are particularly sought after for their ageless style.

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